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Tips To Choose The Perfect Domain Name

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June 15, 2022, Written by 0 comment

A domain name is your website’s readable address which helps people locate your website instead of using an IP address. Your domain name works as a physical address in the vast world of the internet. Thus, choosing a good name can be a deal-breaker. However, you might find it hard to decide during domain registration in Georgia and select random names that can negatively impact your rankings.

Along with a catchy business name, the domain name needs to be catchy too! After all, in this digital world, your domain is the first thing your potential leads would come across.

This blog brings you seven pro tips to help you choose a perfect domain name.

7 Tips To Choose The Perfect Domain Name

  • Keep it short and sweet – As the old saying goes, ‘less is more. That’s right! A great domain name is never unnecessarily lengthy. Try to keep it short, simple, and easily memorable.
  • Should be easy to pronounce and spell – You simply don’t want your website viewers to get baffled when trying to spell or pronounce the domain name. Using complicated words in the domain name is a major turn-off for the audience.
  • Keep it mobile-friendly – Do you know that about 90% of global internet users prefer mobile phones for browsing? It’s a convenience that makes mobile browsing so popular. That’s why you must ensure that people can easily type your domain name on the mobile phone keyboard.
  • Let the brand name speak – We all know how much impact a brand name creates. For example, big companies always have their brand name as the domain name. Thus, try to maintain uniqueness and use your brand name.
  • Choose a suitable extension – Domain extension is the test you see at the end. (for e.g., .com, .org, .online, etc.). Different domain names affect your SEO ranking, so be careful while choosing one!
  • Take help from professional domain registrars – Domain registration might sound easy, but it simply isn’t. Whether getting the right name or knowing the latest SEO trends, you must leave it to professionals. Hire an expert domain registration in Georgia that can handle it like a breeze.
See also  A Comprehensive Guide On The Benefits Of Having A Right Domain Name

What to avoid?

  1. Numerical values and hyphens in the domain name.
  2. Words that can be easily misspelled/misunderstood by people.
  3. Misspelled brand name or terms.
  4. Using other brand’s names or taglines

Final Thoughts

These were some go-to tips used by professional IT companies to help you achieve the perfect domain name. If you are planning to hire one, you can choose WORLDBUS. They are an ultimate IT solutions company specializing in domain registrar, bitcoin dedicated server, cPanel hosting, and more! Contact them today to get started.


1. Can I use keywords in my domain name?

Yes, using relevant yet short tail keywords in your domain name is a great way to improve Google search rankings.

2. Is it a good idea to use a hyphen or other special characters in my domain name?

Using hyphens and numbers in your domain name must be avoided.

3. What domain extensions are provided by a professional domain registration company?

If you hire an expert domain registrar company, you can choose from over 300 domain extensions valid across several countries.


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