Domain Registration Policy

WORLDBUS Domain Registration Privacy

Processing and Protecting Personal Information for Domain Registration

The Registry and Registrar shall process personal information of the Registrant in accordance with the Georgian Legislation and GDPR. For the purposes of this Domain Regulation personal information is any information related to identified or identifiable natural person submitted to the Registry and/or Registrar in connection with the Domain Name Registration.

The Registry and Registrar process personal data in the following way:
Based on the consent of the Registrant expressed in the registration application and in the agreement concluded between the Registrar and Registrant the Registry and Registrar collect and process the following categories of the data:

  • full name, contact e-mail, contact phone number, residential address (country, state (if any), postal code, city, street, apartment) of the Registrant, Technical Contact Person, Administrative Contact Person and Billing Contact Person (if any);
  • personal number, age, sex, date of birth, number of identification document, country issuing identification document, or in case of absence of personal numberdate of birth and country of citizenship of the Registrant and Administrative Contact Person;
  • account number of the Registrant, information related to the payment of the Domain Name registration fee and registration renewal fee;
  • information about the Name Servers servicing the Domain Name registered under the name of the Registrant;
  • information collected in an automatic way in a form of log files which among others include the following information: data about the use of the Domain Name by the Registrant, change of registration data, management of the Registrant’s profile.

The Registry and Registrar are authorized to collect personal information of the Registrant for the purposes of providing Registration Service to the Registrant and necessary for the following actions:

  • Registration of the Domain Name and provision of Registration Services;
  • publishing on the webpage via intermediation of WHOIS Service data related to the Registrant and Domain Name registered under his/her name;
  • fulfilling operations or taking decisions related to the competence of the Registry/Registrar;
  • following laws, instructions, or mandatory rules which apply to the Registry/Registrar, also protecting violated or disputed rights via court or other alternative dispute resolution mechanism;
  • checking the identification and authorization of the Registrant, Technical Contact Person, Administrative Contact person and Billing Contact Person (if any);
  • functioning of the Domain Name Register

The Registry/Registrar is authorized to disclose personal information of the Registrant in the following circumstances:

  • publishing information about the Domain Name on the webpage in accordance with Section 7.4.1 of the Domain Regulation;
  • transferring information to third parties, authorized bodies having respective jurisdiction, including WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, court, alternative dispute resolution body, specified in the agreement concluded between the Registrar and Registrant, in accordance with Section 7.4.3 of the Domain Regulation.

The Registry and Registrar are authorized to process and keep personal information of the Registrant during the term of the registration agreement concluded between the Registrar and Registrant and for the period of 3 (three) years after the expiry/termination of the term of the agreement. After the lapse of 3 (three) years the Registrar/Registry shall delete personal information of the Registrant.

After the expiry / termination of the term of the agreement concluded for providing Registration Services the Registrant is entitled to request from the Registrar/Registry deletion of his/her personal information and the Registry/Registrar shall delete personal information of such Registrant, except as provided in the law of Georgia on “Personal Data Protection”.

The Registrant, Administrative Contact Person, Technical Contact Person and Billing Contact Person (if any) have right to request at any time from the Registry and Registrar who received application for registering Domain Name or for changing Registrar to disclose information about his/her personal data processed by the Registrar/Registry.